The Marvel Cinematic Universe, or MCU as it’s affectionately known, has embarked on an exciting new journey, embracing superheroes from diverse corners of the globe, each representing unique cultures and backgrounds. The introduction of Kamala Khan, popularly known as Ms. Marvel, serves as a testament to this diversification. But, as it turns out, this change isn’t limited to just the characters on screen. The brilliant minds behind the scenes are also getting a global makeover, and the latest reports suggest that Marvel Studios has enlisted the creative prowess of Raj & DK, along with Sita Menon, for a forthcoming project.
For those not in the know, Sita Menon, Raj & DK have consistently delivered some of the most nuanced and acclaimed content in the Indian film and television industry. The likes of “The Family Man,” “Farzi,” “Stree,” and more bear testament to their storytelling prowess. In fact, they’ve been hard at work developing the Indian narrative for Amazon’s multi-million-dollar series, “Citadel,” starring Varun Dhawan and Samantha Ruth Prabhu in pivotal roles.
What’s particularly intriguing is that “Citadel,” which boasts an ensemble cast featuring Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Richard Madden, was originally conceptualized by the illustrious Russo Brothers. Impressed by Raj & DK’s talents, the Russo Brothers recommended them, along with Sita Menon, to the Marvel bigwigs, ultimately leading to an exciting new collaboration.
Marvel’s introduction to Sita Menon and Raj & DK’s work, primarily through the Russo Brothers’ commendations, has sparked a creative spark. A reliable source closely associated with the project stated, “Marvel liked the flavor that Raj and DK brought to their stories and had a probable discussion to come on board to create a cool new origin story for a superhero. They have commissioned the responsibility to Raj and DK, who are currently working towards developing this story.”
At this juncture, nothing is set in stone. The collaboration hinges on Marvel Studios’ approval of the story pitched by Raj & DK and Sita Menon. While it’s unclear whether they will step into the director’s shoes, for now, the focus is on crafting an intriguing origin story for a brand-new superhero. As the source revealed, “At first, Marvel should like what Raj and DK present. Once the basic draft is green-lit, there will be several writer’s room discussions to enhance the write-up, and only then will the paperwork happen for this feature presentation. Right now, they are commissioned to develop one of the superhero origin ideas.”
The prospect of these creative visionaries coming together to weave a new superhero narrative for Marvel Studios is undoubtedly an enticing one. With their proven track record of delivering engaging and culturally relevant content, Raj & DK and Sita Menon may well be the ideal storytellers to usher in the next era of superheroes within the ever-expanding Marvel Cinematic Universe. Marvel fans, buckle up for an exciting ride into uncharted territory as this remarkable collaboration takes shape!