Tiger 3, an upcoming Indian Hindi-language action thriller film, is directed by Maneesh Sharma and produced by Aditya Chopra under the banner of Yash Raj Films. This highly anticipated movie features a stellar cast including Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif, and Emraan Hashmi. Serving as a sequel to the 2017 blockbuster “Tiger Zinda Hai,” it also marks the fifth installment within the expansive YRF Spy Universe. The film’s narrative unfolds in the aftermath of the events depicted in “War” (2019) and “Pathaan” (2023). The project was officially announced in March 2022, and principal photography commenced in March 2021, with shooting locations in Delhi. Filming wrapped up in May 2023. The musical score for the film is masterfully composed by Pritam. With an estimated budget of ₹300 crore, it stands as the most expensive undertaking in Yash Raj Films’ history. Initially scheduled for release on April 21, 2023, “Tiger 3” was later rescheduled to premiere on November 12, 2023, coinciding with the festive celebration of Diwali.
Release Date | 12 November 2023 |
Duration | 2h 2min |
Country | India |
Director | Maneesh Sharma |
Writer | Aditya Chopra |
Producer | Aditya Chopra |
Production | Yash Raj Films |
Language | Hindi |
Dubbed In | Tamil, Telugu |
Genre | Action, Crime, Romance |
Cast | Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif, Emraan Hashmi |
Music | Songs: Pritam, Score: Tanuj Tiku |
Budget | ₹ 300 crore |
Box Office | TBA |
OTT Release date | TBA |
OTT Platform | TBA |
Certificate | – |
IMDB Rating | TBA |
Tiger 3 Movie Trailer & Teaser
Tiger 3 Movie Images
Tiger 3 Movie Songs
The songs haven’t arrived yet